How to Become a Slightly Warped Cartoonist: Part 10
Gag-cartoonists call the big magazines most have heard of The Majors. That’s where everyone wants to be published. I don’t know how many Majors there are now. Maybe fifty.
The odds that someone starting out will have a cartoon selected from the first batch of cartoons she’s drawn is – well, I don’t know what the odds are, but I believe the odds of winning the lottery are better.
There are hundreds of other magazines and trade journals to submit to, though.
Thousands of people submit cartoons to the New Yorker every week, but not many, if any, submit to Automotive Cooling Journal, a journal for people who install radiators,

License Accident Cartoon 6708
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or to Chemtech, a scientific journal,

License Astronomy Cartoon 5928
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or to American Bee Journal, a magazine for beekeepers.

License Restaurant Cartoon 4381
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There is hardly a trade, hobby or interest that doesn’t publish a newsletter or magazine, or at the very least have a web site devoted to it.
Writing gags for a narrow audience is easier than you might think. By changing the characters and the props in a cartoon, you can tailor it to a publication.
Here’s a cartoon I drew with a general audience in mind that uses the ultimate cartoon cliché: a desert island.

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I tweaked it and sold it to a car magazine,

License Tool Cartoon 5777
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to a dairy magazine,
to a sound engineer magazine, and to dozens of others.

License Audio Cartoon 7747
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I changed the “Oh great” to “What luck” and sold another umpteen variations including one to a music magazine,

License Music Cartoon 5820
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a chemistry journal,

License Math Cartoon 5924
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a medical journal and at least a dozen other journals.

License Pirate Cartoon 8476
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Tomorrow I’ll write about what to do if you’re still having trouble coming up with cartoon ideas.
Came in the Middle of the Series? Go to Part 1