Tomorrow I’m having my first physical in I don’t know how many years and I have this image stuck in my head; Medical cartoon 7659: A doctor taking the pulse of a skeleton sitting on an examination table. He says, “I wish you’d come to me sooner.”Here are a few more of my favorite Doctor Cartoons. They make great posters for waiting rooms, posters which coincidentally can be purchased at my Cafepress store. Remember, laughter is the best medicine, and these cartoons can be had over the counter for a lot less than most drugs.

License Medical Cartoon 7018
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License Doctor Cartoon 7796
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License Medical Cartoon 2887
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Doctor Cartoons that can be licensed if you need a little laughter for presentations, books, magazines, and websites
Question? Why are you having a physical? Just seems if you don’t have the habit of going to the doctor every year, or some regular interval of time, it is kind of random to just go get a physical unless something has motivated or prompted you to do so. As in someone near you getting sick, or family member dying or you just don’t feel right. The last reason to go to the doctor shouldn’t be considered a physical. It is more like taking your car in because it is making a funny sound. You want something specific looked at. If you are just looking for a general physical, I’ll bet you will be sorely disappointed by the experience. Most of the things a doc will do in a general physical you can take care of by going to WalMart and using that new blood pressure kiosk and donating blood to some group (other than Red Cross) that will share your blood stats with you and examining your naked skin with a hand mirror. Good Luck.
Thanks, Boon. The only reason I go in is that the doctor needs to see me every now and then so I can get a refill on the medication that keeps my head screwed on.