I don’t draw political cartoons for various reasons.
The main one is that they don’t make much sense a few years, if not a few days, later. Half of my current income comes from commissions. The other half comes from reselling old cartoons.
Would you buy a cartoon about Edwin Meese? “Who?” I assume most of you are asking. He was Ronald Reagan’s Attorney General. I hope most of you at least have a vague notion of who Ronald Reagan was. Anyway, even though I’m the one who drew these two cartoons about Meese in the 1980s, I can’t tell you what incident they’re about. I’m assuming they were once funny. I was paid for them.
I drew this cartoon the same week I did the Meese ones. It makes as much sense today as it did when I drew it 30 years ago … or as much sense as a fish carrying an umbrella can ever make.
That isn’t to say all non-political cartoons are timeless. I regularly sold to Professional Photographer in the 1980s. Alas, cartoons about film are about as relevant and comprehensible today as are cartoons about Edwin Meese. Trust me, the cartoon below was hysterical to anyone in a relationship with a serious photographer in the 1980s. The original captions was, “Only film in the cooler, honey? No soda or beer?”
Do they still have dark rooms?

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And how many people recognize an old Polaroid Camera?

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The reason I was thinking about this is because I’m selling a bunch of old camera equipment on eBay for a friend. It all cost a fortune when her late husband bought it. Some of and it has kept its value. The 300 mm lens is still worth about $1,000. Not so the Nikon 8008 film camera that cost $630 in 1990. The postage to ship it today is probably more than anyone would pay for it.
Oh well. Here are some photographer cartoons I hope will still be funny 30 years from now because reselling cartoons is my retirement plan.

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License Vulture Cartoon 0142
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More Cheap Photography Cartoons for use in presentations, newsletters, websites, etc.