Gutenberg Would be Amazed at Printing Today
With Print on Demand (POD) you can cheaply put out your own version of the Bible, although I doubt The McCracken Version, even a red-letter edition, would ever replace King James’s.
Thanks to Cafepress and Zazzle any cartoon on this site can be printed on demand on T-shirts and lots of other merchandise. My online stores are a work in progress, but I’ll set up a link for you if you email me which cartoon you want on a shirt, poster, or whatever–they even print things on thongs. I’ve yet to have a request for these yet, but you never know.

License Religion Cartoon 6835
Get this printed on stuff from Cafepress
Cheap POD has fueled a real self-publishing boon. Fortunately for me, computers can’t generate humor as well as people can. If you’re writing a book that needs a bit of whimsy, think about using a cartoon.
I only charge authors who self-publish $20 a cartoon. If a picture is worth 1,000 words, that comes to a measly 5¢ a word.
Books are only part of the POD market today. There’s hardly an object that isn’t being printed on demand these days.
White T-shirts were about the only merchandise you could print on when I first posted cartoons at Cafepress and Zazzle
Then came mugs.
Then came a whole slew of other beverage containers. Some were pretty cool.
Some made me ask, “Who thought of this, and what was in their flask at the time?”

Buy a Gutenberg Flask from Cafepress
And then when people became concerned about sea turtles eating plastic bags, it wasn’t just NPR members who toted classy tote bags. BTW, if you didn’t get that last joke, don’t worry. It’s kind of an inside joke for NPR members.
Then things went really crazy. When I sell a tie with one of my cartoons on it, I pray it isn’t a Father’s Day gift.

Buy a Gutenberg Tie from Zazzle
And who would you buy this charm for?

Buy a Gutenberg charm from Cafepress
Or worse yet, these thongs? At least they are made in the USA.

Buy Gutenberg Thongs at Cafepress
I guess now you could even print your version of the Bible on thongs.
Heaven forbid!
License the Gutenberg and Desk Top Publishing cartoon for use in your book, magazine, blog, or what have you.