My 2013 year-end letter where I write about jumping off a boat to go skinny-dipping without thinking how I might get back on board, and the jaw-dropping price of banana splits in Norway.
Category Archives: humor
Highlights 2011 & 2012: There Were No Highlights
Every day for the past three weeks I’ve been posting one of my year-end letters. Alas, I didn’t write a year-end letter in 2011 and 2012 because as I recall the most exciting thing I did in those years was to sort through my empty yogurt tubs and got rid of the ones without matching lids.
So what to put in today’s blog? Well, I did send out Christmas cards those years, so I might as well post those cartoons.
And then to round it out, I’m posting another eight of my favorite Christmas cartoons.
Merry, Merry. Continue reading
2010 Highlights: Embracing My Dotage and Decrepitude
My 2010 year-end letter where I talk about getting older, the French medical system, and topless beaches in Oregon.
2009 Highlights: Dead Water Pumps and Doing France With a Three-Year Old
My 2009 year-end-letter where I write about giving last rites to my water pump, visiting sunny California in a monsoon, staying with a three-year-old in France in a house with priceless antiques, and what I have in common with the president.
2008 Highlights: India on less than $5 a Day
My 2008 year-end letter where I write about visiting my brother and his family in India, distracting my nephew with cows, ending up in knots in a yoga class for women who were eight-month’s pregnant, and finding the perfect gift from the Plastic’s Walla (he who sells plastic junk).
2007 Highlights: Flaming Trucks and Exploding Vacuums
My 2007 year-end letter where I write about starting my truck by having water shoot out a spark plug hole, having a neat freak visit for an extended period of time, and how it seems the State Department had run out of glue sticks.

My dog Heidi and my ancient vacuum
License Vacuum Image 7969
2006 Highlights: 2 Weeks in a Norwegian Jail & Mushroom Humor
My 2006 year-end letter where I tell about a surreal trip through Norway’s fjords on a pirate ship with dueling accordions and gross mushroom facts.
2005 Highlights: An Oregonian, A Hungarian & A German Walk Into a Bar
My 2005 year-end letter about my first comedy club routine and doing research about World War II Women Airforce Service Pilots while Eisenhower and Khrushchev were downstairs.
2004 Highlights: Family and Women Airforce Service Pilots
My 2004 year-end letter where I tell you why I think a chainsaw is a terrible gift idea for a 100-year-old aunt, and learning where to hide booze in a vintage plane from World War II Women Airforce Pilots.
2003 Highlights: The Spotted Owl and the Pussy Cat
My 2003 year-end letter where I tell about an owl I found sitting in the middle of the road.